Spyns is an active travel company based in Whistler, BC. We will be offering tours to the London 2010 Olympic games including hotels, sporting events tickets, and VIP access to the opening and closing ceremonies.
London won the games as we all know. I lived in France for a number of years, my wife is French, and my children speak French fluently but I'll be damned if I understand them. Case in point: Paris was the hands-down favourite for the 2012 games and yet lost to arch-rival London in a close 54-50 vote. Why? Nationwide strikes during an official International Olympic Committee visit to the French capital probably didn't hurt. Therein lies the story.
The French are non-conformists. While dining with French friends or family, I often delight in making sweeping generalizations like, "The French are all non-confirmists!" and titter when one of them takes the bait. "I disagree," said my Burgundian father-in-law. By disagreeing, he only proved by point. Whereas the Yanks, Canadians (Editor's Note: the author is Canadian), and Brits long to be loved, the French couldn't give a damn and this nonchalance eventually cost them the games. Most of France supported the games yet a few belligerent French unions saw another opportunity to stage nationwide strikes. What a shame.
Paris would have been the ideal host city - perhaps even better than London. The city of London is terribly overcrowded with creaky infranstructure. Paris on the other hand is a sprawling city with excellent infrastructure and an unparalelled transportation system. It all works remarkably well but devolves into utter chaos during the frequent transportation strikes. Such is France.
Case in point: I always enjoy skiing in France but the lift lines are complete and utter chaos. I'm always astonished at the French love of queue jumping. Everyone from well-to-do Parisian grandparents to helmet-sporting pre-schoolers crush skis in a bizarre attempt to get ahead of eachother. It's the same fiasco at any French airport, bus stop or taxi stand. For a nation founded on fraternité (brotherhood), I have never once had someone give me their parking space or say, "No please. After you." Not surprising then at the unions saw a golden opportunity to promote their agenda at the expense of Paris's failed bid.
And so London 2012 became a reality. Tant pis Paris.
For more information about Spyns and our tours to the 2012 London Summer Olympics, please visit our websites http://www.london2012-tours.com/ http://www.london-tours-2012.com or call us toll-free at 1.888.825.4720.